Kamis, 03 Desember 2009


The first time I met you, I just remember when we were still in Elementary School and played together, I do not think of anything else. now we are reunited again at the Senior High School. I'm old friends with you I feel different, your kindness makes me spellbound. What is this feeling more than a friend? when I slumped because someone he rose again and made me tougher. but I could not get over with it. as time goes on I realize you made more good yield and realize you're better of him. but I doubt it, because I still love the other person and I'm afraid to hurt you. but finally I tried it. before I tried I heard from my friend that past you so bad with your ex-lover but, I try to accept your weaknesses. his time walking sudden you changed your attitude. do not care if I'm yours. I slowly asked, and he explained that he still loves her ex. I feel devastated. I love him. I'm not easy to love people, but I'm also hard to forget him. now I can only brave and patient through it. sorry I have to avoid you now. because I'm afraid more difficult forgotten again. thanks for all you ever gave me. although you do like iu to me, I could never hate you, i still loving you baby...............

xoxo, Rizka Caesaria

(ini bikin kata katanya sendiri loooooooh gak copas hehe tapi di bantuin dikit sih sama kak Rima huehahaha thankyouuuuu kak emuawch

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